Self Esteem Counselling

How we feel about ourselves involves several interrelating factors, including our values and beliefs, past life experiences, and how we perceive being treated and viewed by others.

At times, our self-esteem may suffer due to unhealthy boundaries, and we may lose sight of our personal strengths and attributes. Difficulty in recognizing our own self-worth can lead to situations and relationships where we feel devalued, disrespected, and powerless to create positive change.

The counsellors at Viewpoint Calgary Psychological Services can guide you in rediscovering what is meaningful to you, what brings you joy, and what nurtures you. We can support you in regaining self-confidence and faith in your ability to determine your own life. With healthy boundaries, you can reconnect to your strengths and feel empowered, restoring your sense of value and belief in who you are as a person.

Happy Woman

Counsellors who can help


Parent Coaching


Trauma Counselling