Therapy FAQs
Perhaps this is the first time you’ve thought about counselling and you don’t know what to expect. Maybe you’ve tried counselling before and are simply looking to refresh some strategies or build on previous progress. Whatever your situation may be, the counsellors at Viewpoint are committed to reducing barriers and helping you find the care you need.
Here are some things to consider as you start this process.
Counselling, just like check-ups, massages, or a physical trainer, can be part of healthy self-care. As we better understand the vital connection between mind and body, it becomes clearer that our mental wellbeing is essential to our overall wellness. Mental illness is related to less engagement in positive lifestyle behaviours, such as healthy diet and exercise, and increased rates of cancer, heart and respiratory disease, and chronic illnesses.
The field of psychology continues to grow and we are discovering new ways to manage anxiety, depression, addiction, and other mental health concerns. Our counsellors believe no one should have to manage life’s challenges alone and seeking help is normal and healthy. Just as your doctor is trained to help you manage your physical health, counsellors at Viewpoint are trained to provide expert guidance regarding emotional or mental health concerns.
Fees for services at Viewpoint are based on the schedule of fees set by the [Psychologists Association of Alberta][1] (PAA).
Standard fees for a registered psychologist are $235 for a 60-minute session or $352.50 for a 90-minute session. Viewpoint counsellors may offer other rates or a sliding scale, depending on their qualifications or your financial situation. Please discuss rates and any requests for a sliding scale directly with your counsellor.
We now offer direct billing with Alberta Blue Cross! Ask us for details.
Many employee health plans reimburse all or part of your counselling fees up to a yearly maximum. Clients should submit receipts directly to their insurance provider for reimbursement. Any fees not reimbursed by your health plan can also be deducted each year from your taxes as a medical expense.
To secure your initial appointment, a credit card is required on file and it will be automatically charged for the first session on the day of your appointment. Your session time is carved out in your therapist's calendar and set aside just for you.
Our cancellation policy requires a 48-hour notice for cancellations or rescheduling to accommodate other clients and respect our psychologist's time. Failure to provide sufficient notice will result in the full session rate being charged to the card you have on file.
All information that is shared in counselling is confidential and no information will be released to any third party without explicit written consent from you according to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP) and/or Health Information Act (HIA).
Counsellors at Viewpoint have years of academic training specific to helping people regain or improve their mental wellness. In addition, each counsellor has personal and professional experience that make them empathetic, compassionate and understanding of your unique situation. We believe each person deserves to be seen as a distinct and valued individual who deserves to receive respect, dignity, and the utmost confidentiality.
Viewpoint is committed to helping you find the counsellor with the expertise, way of thinking, and personality that best fits you. Our counsellors are experienced in most general mental health concerns and each also offers care in areas of specific training and interest. You are welcome to browse through our counsellor profiles and contact your preferred counsellor directly. If you are unsure who to choose, please phone or email our office and we will connect you to the counsellor we feel may be the best fit. You can also take advantage of our 15-minute complimentary consultation with a therapist to ensure they are the right one for you before committing to a full session. This gives you a chance to meet with one of our therapists so you can ask questions about your therapist's approach, you can ensure that their expertise aligns with your needs and goals, and you can get a sense about whether you will feel comfortable sharing with them.
Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Advice is often about one person saying what worked for him or her in similar circumstances and suggesting you follow the same path. In reality, no one’s situation is ever exactly the same and what worked for one person may not work for another. Instead of giving advice, your counsellor will seek understanding of your unique situation, explore tools and strategies, and help you find the answers you know are best for you.
The fact that you are coming in for counselling suggests you are committed to improving your wellbeing. We applaud your decision and will support your endeavors to address today’s concerns and build the strategies and confidence to manage tomorrow’s challenges. Initially, we will collaborate with you to set your personal goals for therapy. Moving forward in therapy, you will add new strategies and skills to help you attain your goals. As with any new skill, practicing these new strategies will help you become comfortable and proficient. It will also help determine the right strategies for your situation.
Practice brings results!
Counsellors rely on open communication to help you explore and develop insight into your ideals, beliefs, and life experiences so you can move forward. Feedback to your counsellor is an important part of this process, but people sometimes struggle to express how they are feeling, what has changed, or what they found helpful. Our session evaluation forms help Viewpoint counsellors assess how you are feeling before and after your session and provide your counsellor with feedback on your improvement over time. Your feedback also guides your counsellor in tailoring his or her therapeutic model and strategies to better enhance your progress.
Your counsellor has a limited caseload to ensure they have time and energy to plan for your sessions and to ensure they can be fully focused on you and your needs, return correspondence, etc. If you need to cancel your session, please do so 48 hours in advance so that your therapist can waive your session fee and have the option to schedule a client who is in need during that time. If you cancel with less than 48 hours notice, or no-show, you will be billed for the session time at the full rate. If you have an emergency, please contact your therapist as soon as possible so they can offer an alternative time or mode of treatment (phone or video), if possible.